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Publishing Books by Karen GoatKeeper and Dr. Richard E. Rintz

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Waiting For Fairies

Any time is a good time to sit down with a picture book.

cover for "Waiting For Fairies" by Karen GoatKeeper

A fairy ring of mushrooms appears in a child’s back yard. Do fairies really come to it?

This child wants to know and sneaks out after dark. Do the fairies come?

Many Ozark night creatures visit the fairy ring. Are any of them fairies?

Be sure to look in the illustrations.

The free eBook is available until November 1st through Smashwords using coupon code LXLLT. You can use the button on the book page to find it.

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“Waiting For Fairies” is available as a free eBook download through November 1st at Smashwords using coupon code LXLLT.

Cardua: I’m enjoying discovering some wild edible plants. Unfortunately the spring ones are often dormant for the winter.

“Life’s Rules” takes place in late spring and again that December. The big questions Stephanie faces all happen in this December.

Dent County Flora is so time consuming. Flowers are easy to spot for pictures. The big problem is remembering where the plants were for seed pictures.

Opal and Agate: Partners in Adventure entices me with new ideas. I keep resisting starting it until the novel is written.

Chemistry now has the shelf and light. Now I need to get those experiments done.

Fall is almost as busy as spring.

No Frost Yet

Some mornings were in the thirties, close to frost. More such mornings are in the forecast.

Now I have to decide whether to pull the summer garden or try to protect it and get another week or two. Some plants are already shutting down.

My refrigerator has a shelf of paper bags. Each bag has herbs in it: basil, oregano and parsley. The refrigerator will dry these leaves in a few weeks.

A wood rat has moved into the barn for the winter. It hasn’t caused any real problem yet. Orange Cat knows about it and wants to catch it. So far, this is a stand off as the rat has many places to hide.

My hens think they are on winter vacation. I may disagree, but persuading them is difficult.

Persimmons, apples and squash are the treats for the goats now. Some are so well fed, that’s all they eat, leaving their grain. The wood rat hopes I forget to put some away.

I am presently reading “Serial Garden” and “The President’s Lady”. There are more picture books, “Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet” and “The Little Ghost Who was a Quilt” this week.

You can keep up with my reading and reviews on Goodreads. As I finish each book, I take the time to write a review on Goodreads. Picture book reviews are on my Goodreads blog. It would be nice if those reading my books would do the same.

Finding My Picture Book Reviews

My picture book reviews are on my Goodreads blog. This seemed the only way to do them. Usually there are two new ones on Tuesdays and on Fridays.

I am very hesitant to add any outside links to my website. So you can find me on Goodreads under Karen GoatKeeper.

About GKP Books

I normally sell books through Amazon, Kindle and Smashwords as their sites are secure. Some books, and these are noted, are only available through me. Amazon and I have an ongoing dispute over listing “Asclepias” or any new books. Somehow I am not authorized to list anything new under my name? Some eBooks are too large or complicated for the other sites.

All of the links should be working. If you find one has decided to go on vacation, you can contact me through the now working Contact Page.

Thank you for Stopping By

Keep checking back as the topics on the two posts change every week, weather permitting. Impassable roads can delay things.

Nubian doe High Reaches Opal greeting visitors
What a Surprise! I’m glad to see you.

High Reaches Drucilla’s Opal is getting big. She is still beautiful and doted on by her mother.