GKP Writing News

Opal and Agate Picture Books

I enjoy reading picture books and have been reading four a week to do reviews on my Goodreads blog. However, this is making writing my Opal and Agate picture books harder.

There are so many wonderful picture books on the shelves of my library. Some tell stories, fun or scary. Others tell about events or activities. They make me wonder if I can write picture books as good as they are.

Nubian doe kid Opal will star in some animal stories
Nubian doe High Reaches Opal deserves a good picture book series.

Picture Book Goats

A famous goat story is Billy Goats Gruff. It’s a cute story. Dairy goat owners tend to despise the illustrations. These are of caricature goats with shaggy coats, big horns and big goatees.

My library just acquired a beginning reading book about farm goats. It uses photographs of goats. Except almost all of them have horns and the book makes a big deal about horns.

My take is that the author knew nothing about goats, had never owned a goat or talked to many people who owned goats and never been to a goat show.

Yes, goats are usually born with horns. However, dairy goats with the exception of Nigerian Dwarfs have those horns removed. Any horned dairy goat in a show is disqualified.

Novel boring times can use friendly faces like Nubian goats
No horns. No shaggy coats. Nubian goats from my herd. High Reaches Spring is in front.

My Goats?

My goats don’t go to shows. They stay on the farm now. However, I do take their horns off and try to maintain the dairy goat standards for Nubians. These standards were set up to improve the breed to live longer, healthier lives and give more milk.

My goats are getting old now. Violet is fourteen. Drucilla, Opal’s mother, is thirteen. Goats usually live twelve to fifteen years.

The herd still goes out on good days – no rain or snow. They still climb the hills. Yes, they are slower, but they still range widely.

I want my Opal and Agate picture books to show how beautiful Nubian goats can be, no horns, no shaggy coats.

GKP Writing News

Writing Goat Puzzles

Pencil puzzles are probably not the best use of my time, true. However, these are fun to do now and then. Except none of the regular pencil puzzles are about goats. That started me writing goat puzzles.

My new computer sat on the desk begging to be used. These goat puzzles were a great way to find out new ways of using my computer.

Now What?

There were sixty-four goat puzzles on my computer. It took a lot of time to create all of these. What was I to do with all of these goat puzzles?

Checking around I found I was the only one writing goat puzzles. Evidently people thought horse, dog and cat puzzles were much more interesting. There were books of these kinds of puzzles.

cover for "Goat Games" by Karen GoatKeeper
Learn about goats through interviews with goat owners, pencil puzzles, trivia and more.

Creating a Book

These other puzzle books had more in them than just puzzles. If I was going to have a book, I needed to have other things in the book besides the puzzles.

My goats are all Nubian dairy goats. There are lots of kinds of goats, hundreds of kinds around the world. These are not just dairy goats, but meat goats and fiber goats too. And there were people around my area with some of these goats.

Fifteen kinds of goats have pages in my book. Recipes for meat, milk and cheese were added. And the goat associations got a page.

So There Is a Book

I asked a publisher about my book. It seems goats aren’t as popular as other animals, so my book was rejected. The editor liked the book, but didn’t think enough people would buy one to pay for printing it.

The publisher was right. I self published “Goat Games” and found few people wanted to buy a copy.

But that’s all right. I had a good time writing goat puzzles, met a lot of other goat owners and learned a lot of new things about my goats.

GKP Writing News

Only Nine Carduans

There may be forty-five soon-to-be Carduans on Ship Eighteen, but they are fourteen weeks away from Cardua. Ship Nineteen has only nine Carduans on board.

Somehow these nine need to find a place to live and make it habitable, find sources of food and water and devise methods of defending themselves from the many predators living on Cardua.

Who Are These Carduans?

Three are ship officers. They know how to fly a space ship and not much else.

Six are young people ranging from ten-year-old Tico to seventeen-year-old Hirs. Their backgrounds vary, but they are young. They do have skills learned from their parents or experiences.

Supplies Are Needed

The advantage Ship Nineteen has is that it was a cargo flight. Those six young people were overflow from the passenger ships ahead of them. There are lots of crates filled with useful things packed on the ship.

The disadvantage is that these people don’t know how to use many of the supplies. There are solar panels and electrical supplies. No one know how to set them up. There are cooking supplies for a restaurant. No one knows how to cook.

Lygo does know about sewing and has lots of supplies originally destined for a shop she was opening with her mother, a seamstress. Tico knows some carpentry and there are lots of supplies originally destined for a furniture shop his carpenter father was going to open.

defensive black snake
If you are only four inches tall, this is a terrifying sight. How can one of my Carduans defend themselves from a snake wanting to eat them?

Finding Their Skills

Only nine Carduans face a new world filled with plants and animals that tower over their mere four inch height. Each must find their skills and find ways to use them as part of a team.

As far as these people know, they are alone. Their former lives are only memories. All of their friends and relations are now memories.

There may be only nine Carduans, but they must overcome their pasts, their griefs, their ignorance and become a group to face this new world. That is the only way they will survive.

GKP Writing News

eBook Changes

I have published eBooks through Smashwords for many years. Their automated system did create problems at times, but these were often my mistakes, not theirs. But now eBook changes are coming.

Smashwords has been absorbed into Draft2Digital. My account just switched over and I am still looking it over. My main page is definitely different and I’m having trouble finding things like how to create coupons for free copies.

Now What?

These eBook changes will affect my books. I’m not really sure how much yet. According to the information, those books I have already published will stay the same.

However, new books may be different. Smashwords created many different formats. Draft2Digital may only do epub. I like having the many formats including pdf available. A number of my books look best in pdf.

cover for "Edwina" by Karen GoatKeeper
Only Aleta can see this big black, red-eyed dog, but that doesn’t keep them from getting into trouble. This upper middle grade novel will be the next one with digital copies offered for a month for free.


I had intended to offer free digital copies of “Edwina” this month. It is another of my upper middle grade novels.

Due to these eBook changes, the offer is put on hold for now. I will find out more about this in the next couple of weeks and hope to make this offer available next month.

In the Meantime

I am deep into a rewrite for Ship Nineteen in “The Carduan Chronicles”. So far I’m on the easy part with mostly editing needed and not a lot of that. Things will change in another fifty pages or less.

There is Life’s Rules to finish. The crazy thing about this is that I know where the plot is going, but can’t seem to get there.

And I do have to consider opening my own book store on my website to offer pdf versions of my books, expecially the science books. That is not something I want to do, having tried that years ago and found it was a real mess to keep up with.

There are so many times lately when I wish the world would stop changing. It ignores me. The eBook changes are coming, indeed, they are here. Like it or not.

GKP Writing News

Animal Stories

Animal stories seem to be very popular with young children. They did stay popular with older children too, as I remember.

My favorites were horse stories. I read lots of them, fiction and nonfiction, until my mother started limiting how many I could check out. Then I moved to nature stories and still read many of both.

“Clarence: The Life of a Sparrow”

I picked up this little book years ago. It lived on my book shelf for years as I read others instead. It finally rose to the top of my reading list and I wish I had read it sooner.

Clare Kipps, the author, found Clarence as a hatchling on her door step. He had no feathers. His eyes were still closed. She fed the little mite some warm milk and went to bed thinking he wouldn’t make it through the night.

This common house sparrow was her companion for twelve years. He showed behaviors not seen in wild sparrows. She writes of his accomplishments and adventures, the devotion between them evident on every page.

cover of "For Love of Goats" by Karen GoatKeeper
Fact and fiction mix in this book of short stories and tongue twisters based on my fifty years living with goats.

My Goats

When I started writing books, I started with a book about goats, “Goat Games”, and have written about my goats in several other books. Most of the books are novels, but the actions and adventures are based on things my goats have done over the years.

The last and more serious book about goats was “For Love of Goats”. Goats have been part of my life for fifty years now. The things in this little book are based on my relationships with goats. The memoir pieces are actual happenings.

Nubian doe kid Opal will star in some animal stories
Nubian doe High Reaches Opal will be one star of the series Opal and Agate: Partners in Adventure. This is a planned series of picture books about Nubian goat kids exploring their world and getting into trouble, something kids are good at.

Picture Books and Animal Stories

I’ve been reading several picture books a week. Animal stories abound on the shelves. Two recent ones are “Togo” about the dog sleds taking serum to cure diptheria from Anchorage to Nome and “Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!” about a gardener trying to outwit some hungry bunnies.

The first of my Opal and Agate: Partners in Adventure series is half written and I am beginning to do sketches for it. Much as I enjoy writing novels, it is relaxing to again be remembering my goats.

Why Are Animal Stories so Appealing?

Perhaps these stories help us remember our relationship to the Earth and the animals that become important parts of our lives.

GKP Writing News

Living Two Lives

When I read about other writers, I find out many of them spend many hours a day writing. This seems to be the mark of a serious writer. It leaves me living two lives.

I love writing and am trying to be serious about it. Each day finds me at the computer writing something. Today it’s posts for the website. This evening I hope to add to the novel.

However, I have another life away from the computer. It involves goats, chickens, gardening and housework (phooey).

living two lives includes Nubian goats
This little Nubian doe kid is one of the latest additions to one of my lives.

Are They Separate?

Ostensibly these two lives are separate. In reality, they are not.

As I milk or wash dishes or shovel dirt, I plot my novel. This doesn’t always work out well as I’m not paying attention to what I’m doing.

When I am in town, my novel fills my mind. I miss stops I am supposed to make. Things get forgotten when I go shopping.

One difficulty with this is remembering the good plot points that occur to me once I get a chance to sit down at the computer. Generally I do remember enough to write a scene or two.

Another difficulty with this is trying to stay where I am in the novel plot. At the moment the plot is ending the setting up section and entering a phase setting up the climax of the book. It is much more interesting to think about the coming climax than the present plot steps.

Once I read advice to go ahead and write this interesting scene. In this case, that will not work as not all of the stage is set. I would have to totally rewrite the scene later on making major changes.

wild plum flowers are another aspect of my two lives
One of my activities is going out with my camera to photograph wild plants like this wild plum.

Finding the Balance

I will not give up either of my two lives. Living two lives is complicated and frustrating at times.

One method I’ve found is to set up times for each life. They do overlap some, but, like those who must balance work and home, it is possible.

GKP Writing News

County Fairs

When I first moved to the country, county fairs were important events. Actually, I remember going to the fairs in southern California when I was young.

Off to Pasadena

Late August was the time for the California State Fair in Pasadena. Later it became the Los Angeles County Fair. It meant a long ride over the hills to spend the day wandering around.

This was a big event with lots of big barns filled with horticultural exhibits, machinery, livestock, vendor booths. The goat barn was a favorite stop.

County Fairs begin with parades
My 4-H Goat Project was a hit with the Carroll County Fair, Berryville, AR, the year we had a goat cart pulled by two young wethers in the parade.

Rural County Fairs

My small town in northwest Arkansas had a fair in August. It wasn’t a big affair, but did have barns for poultry, cattle and pigs. The fair book included goats and sheep, but no one brought any.

I had a 4-H goat project. We wanted to bring goats to the fair. So I got permission and set up half of the hog barn for the goats.

We borrowed a pair of pigmy goats for the few days. One had her kids and was the hit of the fair.

We had five breeds of dairy goats there. And a goat breeder came to judge a small show for us.

cover for "Mistaken Promises" Hazel Whitmore #3 by Karen GoatKeeper
Hazel may be like lots of rural people raising pullets for the fresh eggs. However, it’s always fun to take your pullets to the county fair and show them off.

“Mistaken Promises”

Because of my past associations with county fairs and my local area in Missouri still held them, one fit into my novel as Hazel could show off her Buff Orpington pullets. It also was a good place for the final showdown in the novel.

Times have changed. The main participants in my area are the 4-H and FFA members now. Livestock now centers around cattle, hogs and meat goats.

My memories of county fairs make me wish people still loved participating in them. It seems people are too busy now to enjoy such simple things, especially ones that take months of preparation with only ribbons to show for their efforts.

GKP Writing News

Writing “Mistaken Promises”

Writing “Mistaken Promises” was like writing an epilogue for “Old Promises.” Epilogues and prologues are usually discouraged in writing advice. This is because they are often used as ways to put in lots of world building and backstory rather than as part of the story. Used well, these can both open up the story and close the story, things I’ve done.

Writing an Epilogue

When I wrote “Capri Capers” there were lots of story lines not really completed, only hints of what the endings would be. However, the plot itself was over, so stringing it along would drag the ending out, not make it better. The same was true for “Hopes, Dreams and Reality”.

For these novels, I added a single chapter called Epilogue. This completed those story lines, endings that happened much later than the original story. It gave closure to the story for the various characters.

As I write “The Carduan Chronicles”, I’ve used a Prologue to set up having two space ships involved in the story. The original Ship Nineteen is stranded in an ice storm in an Ozark ravine. Ship Eighteen is stranded in space in a race against starvation and running out of fuel as they attempt to reach the Ozark ravine. Their link is through Sola and her son Tico.

“Mistaken Promises” Was Different

As I finished writing “Old Promises”, the novel didn’t feel done. There had to be fall out from the big mess at the end. Too much fall out to just add a chapter called Epilogue.

So, writing “Mistaken Promises” dealt with that fall out. Basically I was writing the epilogue to “Old Promises” when I wrote this novel. As I wrote it, it became more than an epilogue.

Hazel was finding new ways to adjust to living in a rural community. She joins the 4-H, raises some Buff Orpington chickens, competes in the county fair. She starts to leave many of her city ways and ideas behind.

Lucy, too, is branching out. She is learning to be more out going. As a teenager, she is seeking out her own identity.

I enjoyed writing “Mistaken Promises” and seeing how my characters were adjusting and moving on with their lives. Perhaps, someday, I will want to return to Crooked Creek and see where these people have gone.

GKP Writing News

Choosing Self Publishing

Lately I’ve been reading the magazine “Writers’ Digest” with its many hints and interviews for authors and wishful authors. Some always seem to be about choosing self publishing.

Common Reason

The reason I see most often for choosing self publishing is keeping control of the book. Traditional publishers can change the title which may or may not be for the best, assign the cover design to an illustrator who may or may not be able to read the book before designing it and determine royalties and other payments for the book among other things.

This is not my reason.

Problems With Self Publishing

Although serious authors do the necessary work, when an author self publishes, no one insists the book be carefully edited. There are editors for hire, but they charge for their services. As this is how they make a living, it is understandable.

Those on a strict budget may skip hiring an editor and do it themselves. Sometimes this works out well, if the author has a strong English grammar grasp. Other times the resulting book is a disaster for readers even if the story is good.

Marketing is another problem. Traditional publishers do have more contacts and do put out new books to places a self published author may have difficulty getting to. They may place ads for the book. However, they do insist that the author do a lot of the marketing such as social media on their own.

cover for "Goat Games" by Karen GoatKeeper
Although this book began as a lot of pencil puzzles about goats, it grew with goat trivia, breed pages, information pages and lots of photographs of goats.

Why Do I Self Publish?

When I wrote my first book, “Goat Games”, I dreamed of being published. I researched publishers and found one where I thought my book would fit. A comparable title, although about horses, had additional material in it, so I enlarged my book to include much more about goats than the many pencil puzzles I started with.

I thought the book was ready, so I queried the publisher. The editor wrote back she liked my book, but wouldn’t accept it. My book was for a niche market, with, in her opinion, no big market and wouldn’t be a viable addition for their company.

Many of my first novels had a lot of goat information in them. They would all fit into this niche market. So I found choosing self publishing was the only way to get my books printed.

Now there is another reason. Time. I am old enough to not want to spend possibly years getting a book published.

Marketing and cover design do sometimes make me wish.

GKP Writing News

How Many Drafts?

When I wrote “Broken Promises” the first time, it was a disaster now long erased. The second draft became the novel. How many drafts did it take? Two or three, I think.

“Old Promises” also took one draft. Then I rewrote and edited for two or three more drafts to finish the novel.

Both of these were rewritten again to add the recipes Hazel used in the book.

cover of "Old Promises" Hazel Whitmore #2 by Karen GoatKeeper
This novel took only a few drafts before I decided it was ready to publish. Even so, I reread it and noticed a few more things I might change, if I redo the novel.

Life’s Rules

This novel is different. The first rewrite happened even before the rough draft was written. In fact, I’ve never completed the rough draft.

This last is not really true. I’ve completed the draft in my head. That’s not really the same as I add lots of details, dialogue and more when I write down what’s in my head.

How many drafts so far? I’m on the third rewrite now. It seems I needed to draw some maps and rewrite some of the draft.

The problem with rewriting a partial draft so many times is that part of the novel gets set, edited and polished while the rest is still in need of many things. I tend to focus on actions, plot and dialogue in my first drafts.

The characters are in my head. The settings are in my head. I can see them, hear them, feel them.

A reader can’t see inside my head. That means yet another draft adding descriptions of characters and settings. Those things I can see need to be visible to the reader through my words.

The Carduan Chronicles

How many drafts does this one make for the Carduan Chronicles? I’ve lost count. At least this draft has straightened out two major problems.

Ship Eighteen is journeying to Cardua. With this draft the journey has some semblance of timing. And my missing six passengers are now included in the draft.

This part of the novel will need one more rewrite to add details about the characters. My problem now is that I don’t really see my characters yet.

Ship Nineteen needs to be rewritten as well. How many drafts for it? I don’t know. But I will have a better timeline and know what some of the problems are for tackling this draft in April.

Both Life’s Rules and The Carduan Chronicles: Arrival should be done this year.