About GoatKeepers Press

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Three High Reaches Nubian does (from back): Daisy, Hope and Jewel.

I suppose this started with a crossword puzzle book. I wanted puzzles about goats and there were none. The challenge was to use my new computer to create puzzles about goats. Sixty some puzzles later, I decided to write a book to go with them and ended up with “Goat Games”.

Writing is addicting. The book list grew.

Then my friend Dr. Richard Rintz started writing his botany books.

And GoatKeepers Press was created to show these books to the world in hopes of finding those people interested in their many aspects and subjects.

The GoatKeepers Press books range from botany written for the serious amateur or professional botanist to science activity books for young people interested in science. Browse nature. Learn about goats. Challenge your speech. Start a young person learning about nature.

Find out much more by looking over the sample pages from the different books. Find out more about the GoatKeepers Press authors on their page.

And it all started with goats, Nubian dairy goats.

High Reaches Nubian herd
Some of the High Reaches Nubian dairy goat herd stands in their barn door. This herd inspired the beginning of GoatKeepers Press and still encourages it to continue.