GKP Writing News

Finding Writing Time

Normally I reserve mornings after milking as my writing time. This summer has made that time unavailable and left me finding writing time at odd times.


Many places have had temperatures in the triple digits. Not in the Ozarks. What we’ve had are nineties and humidity almost as high. The sun has seemed to bore through me any time I go out in it.

Before noon has been the only time of day cool enough to get any outside work done. My morning typing time gave way to outside work.

Orange Cat keeping cool
My cats are trying to keep cool in the heat. Usually they spend the day outside. Now they stay indoors much of the day.


Working outside in the heat drains energy. By the time I do one or two things, I am tired.

Warm nights with high humidity make sleeping difficult. I go to bed tired and wake up tired.

Finding writing time in the afternoons is possible. But too often I find my head down on the desk and the screen gone blank.

Writers Block

My Life’s Rules wasn’t just on hiatus. I was stymied. Somehow I needed to advance the storyline several months. Sounds easy?

The story has been going on a day by day basis which works very well for the beginning month or so. This can’t continue for several months without killing the story with trivia and boredom.

Now I know how to break and continue the story without sacrificing the storyline. Finding writing time to get it down on the computer is frustrating.

finding writing time comes after researching Dwarf Hackberry Fruits as wild edibles
Before finding writing time for The Carduan Chronicles: Ship Nineteen I need to find time to read the book on wild edible plants. The number and variety of them is amazing. This picture is from a previous year. My favorite hackberry tree has no fruits on it now. I’m checking out more of them. However, the pawpaws and elderberries are ripe now.

Carduan Chronicles

Even if I find time, it’s hard to keep going on this right now. I need to get the story another two weeks or so, but I know that it needs a major rewrite again. I’m also doing lots of wild plant research needed for the rewrite. What’s the point of continuing?

The point is getting this second in the trilogy to the same point as for Ship Eighteen. Then I can write the final book for the trilogy.

In the meantime, finding writing time is getting easier as fall temperatures make it possible to write mornings and work afternoons again.

By Karen GoatKeeper

Karen GoatKeeper loves to write. Her books include picture books, novels and nonfiction for science activity books and nature books. A recent inclusion are science teaching units.
The coming year has goals for two new novels, a picture book and some books of personal essays. This is ambitious and ignores time constraints.
She lives in the Missouri Ozarks with her small herd of Nubian dairy goats. The Ozarks provides the inspiration and setting for most of her books.