GKP Writing News

Hopes, Dreams and Reality Cover

I am not an artist or an illustrator really. I am an author who needs covers and illustrations for books and prefers or needs to do them myself. That is the case for the “Hopes, Dreams and Reality” cover.

The novel surrounds a storm, before, during and after. Mindy, the main character, goes through the storm even though it leaves her isolated with no phone, electricity or water and with the road washed out and blocked by fallen trees. Other complications arise both just before and during the storm.

Planning the Cover

Since the storm is the main trigger for all that happens, it made sense to me to use it on the cover. It is a major storm and Mindy must fight it, so the cover has her fighting the storm.

A sketch took shape around these. This was done on drawing paper with pencil. It was transferred to watercolor paper for painting.

My preferred medium is watercolor. The quality of the colors appeal to me although I am prone to make mistakes. Watercolor mistakes are permanent and must be incorporated into the painting or mitigated somehow.

A big storm keeps the day dark, muting colors. The mood will also be muted. These affect the colors I choose to use for the Hopes, Dreams and Reality cover.

Working In Watercolor

Once the sketch is on the watercolor paper and the chosen tube of paints are laid out, the actual painting can begin. Watercolor has several choices and problems to work with.

There is no white in watercolor. The paper is white and, wherever white is wanted, no paint is put. This takes careful planning. It is possible to mask these areas, but I don’t.

Watercolor paint is just that: water based. The painter must add water to the paint in order to use it. More water results in a thin layer of color called a wash. Less water gives sharper lines and thicker color. When to use wash or dry brush needs planning ahead too.

The final, and most difficult for me, problem is time. Each color must have time to dry before a neighboring spot is painted or the paint will bleed or spread into the other area altering color and shape. I hate to sit and wait.

Hopes, Dreams and Reality cover
My covers are a usually a blend of digital and watercolor. For the Hopes, Dreams and Reality cover, I painted the figure then scanned it into the computer. Then I added the background color and printing. Sometimes I do these with watercolor, but opted for the digital with this cover. And, yes, I corrected a few problems with the watercolor.

The Cover

After negotiating my way through all of the steps, I finally have the Hopes, Dreams and Reality cover. Now I need to finish the final edit.

If you have any comments or suggestions, let me know through the Contact Page.

By Karen GoatKeeper

Karen GoatKeeper loves to write. Her books include picture books, novels and nonfiction for science activity books and nature books. A recent inclusion are science teaching units.
The coming year has goals for two new novels, a picture book and some books of personal essays. This is ambitious and ignores time constraints.
She lives in the Missouri Ozarks with her small herd of Nubian dairy goats. The Ozarks provides the inspiration and setting for most of her books.