February is still winter. The days are getting longer, but cold rules. Yet the birds are showing off for spring nesting.
Male blue jays are bright blue. Male cardinals glow red. Bird songs sound on the hills.
Watching the Bird Feeder
All winter flocks of birds come to raid the feeder. It is wall to wall birds with others waiting to swoop into any opening.
There is an order. Blue jays come first. Morning doves come second. Cardinals are third. Titmice, chickadees and nuthatches slip in to grab a sunflower seed and take off with it. Juncos and sparrows search the ground for any seeds knocked off.
In February only bad weather brings in such a crowd. The feeder has a few birds come by at a time.
Squirrels Were Gone Too
All winter the squirrels have been nuisances at the bird feeder. At times two gray squirrels will be in the feeder with another one hanging on the edge. Red squirrels eat alone.
These interlopers were mostly gone. They were pairing off and starting families. Now they are back scarfing up sunflower seeds.
Red-bellied and downy woodpeckers are regulars at the bird feeder. This is even more true now.
Woodpeckers nest early. They dig out their nests in January. Drumming resounds through the woods. Now these parents are eager to eat the suet cakes for that extra nutrition.
Migration Begins
The first summer birds are arriving. The vultures circle over the pastures. Purple finches and goldfinches are stopping by the bird feeder.
These birds are showing off for spring too. They will nest up on the hills and along the roads soon.
February is still winter and tries to drag it out. But winter’s grasp is slipping. Spring is still months away, but it is coming. The birds will be ready, hiding their nests in the trees and bushes up on the hills.