Latest From High Reaches

Kids Grow Up Fast

Baby goats are so cute. Nubian kids are especially cute with their long ears. But kids grow up fast.

Spring had her doe kid only two weeks ago. Already this doeling is leading the herd in the pasture. Spring has other ideas as she takes over to race the herd to the top of the hill for some perceived threat.

kids grow up fast as Nubian doe leads the herd at two weeks old
On her first day out to pasture, this two week old Nubian doe kid from High Reaches Spring kept up with the herd as they roamed around eting fresh spring grass, climbed a steep hill to browse at the top, came back down to explore the creek banks and then was still trotting along as the herd came in for the night.

This perceived threat was me. I wanted to take a couple of pictures of her little one on her first day out in the pasture. My chance came when the herd was coming in that afternoon as I didn’t want to chase the herd up the hill.

Playing Games

The two little bucks are too busy having fun to go out with the herd. This is a big disappointment to their mothers. They want to go out to graze on all that new spring grass.

All the kids like playing on the goat gym, but the little bucks are the most enthusiastic. One of their favorite games is standing on my shoulders if I sit down on the bottom step. This is only fun until they are about a month old and too heavy.

kids grow up fast and can soon leap up their own height
The goat gym may be old and worn, but kids still love to jump up and down the steps These two Nubian buck kids are only a week and a half old, but can already get up and down steps as tall as they are.

My kids grow up fast as they will be big goats. I’ve read about the goat yoga and know my kids would be a disaster by the time they were three weeks old and twenty pounds.

New Little Darling

Drucilla had a little doe. I can’t keep her and it hurts. She is gorgeous and polled. Her mother is a good milker, one of my best all time milkers.

Nubian doe kid
Born the night before this picture, this Nubian doe kid is already wanting to explore and is spoiled rotten. Her mother High Reaches Silk’s Drucilla stays next to her all the time. This will wear off in a week or so. By then this kid will off on her own much of the time.

For now this little one is my little pet. I have three months to cuddle and spoil her.

And then I will mourn that these fun kids grow up fast as they will be sold and leave with someone else.

There are several books about goat on this site. I would expecially mention “Capri Capers” and “For Love of Goats“.

By Karen GoatKeeper

Karen GoatKeeper loves to write. Her books include picture books, novels and nonfiction for science activity books and nature books. A recent inclusion are science teaching units.
The coming year has goals for two new novels, a picture book and some books of personal essays. This is ambitious and ignores time constraints.
She lives in the Missouri Ozarks with her small herd of Nubian dairy goats. The Ozarks provides the inspiration and setting for most of her books.