Latest From High Reaches

Nubian Buck High Reaches Augustus

High Reaches Silk was so proud of her little spotted boy. They were always together during rest times. Other times he raced around her. This was High Reaches Silk’s Augustus.

Young Nubian buck with mother
This is a favorite picture of young Nubian buck Augustus with his mother Silk. He was born the end of November and this is a couple of months later.

Growing Up

The big buck in my herd at that time was Goat Town USA Gaius. He was from Oklahoma and came home when I was writing “Goat Games”. I loved his regal bearing and deep red color.

Bucks get old faster than does. I liked Augustus and so did Gaius, as much as any buck respects a rival. They did play together for several years until Gaius got old and Augustus got big.

Nubian kid racing
This was a lucky picture. Augustus was out racing around. Nubians are fun to see do this as their ears fly as though getting set for take off.

Then the two had separate quarters. They still shared their pasture during the day.

One day Gaius was gone. Augustus was the big buck in my herd. He ruled the herd for many years.

Nubian buck Augustus trotting
Even as a young Nubian buck, Augustus was confident. Here he is striding off across the pasture to catch up with the herd.

Getting Old

I knew Augustus was getting old. He lost weight and wasn’t as lively. He did still love to be with the girls.

Special days were those when no one was in season and the entire herd could go out to pasture. Only my big wether Pest complained about those days. Pest might be bigger than my old buck, but was no match for him.

Adult Nubian bucks playing
Butting heads is a favorite play for goats, especially for bucks. Here Nubian bucks red Gaius and spotted Augustus are playing.

Going Forward

I had intended to stop breeding my does after Augustus died. There is a flaw in this idea. There are still nine does plus Pest. They eat a lot. They still need care twice a day, every day. Several does are young enough to breed and give milk.

It seems ridiculous to still be doing all the work and having to buy milk. So, there will be a new big buck for my herd.

Two of my oldest does going back to Gaius are bred. High Reaches Spring kidded with two nice little bucks. High Reaches Drucilla is polled. A polled buck would be nice.

Nubian buck High Reaches Augustus watching for the herd
Nubian buck High Reaches Augustus watching for the herd to come in. He was still doing fairly well.

Then again, I may go looking elsewhere. After I stop missing Augustus.

By Karen GoatKeeper

Karen GoatKeeper loves to write. Her books include picture books, novels and nonfiction for science activity books and nature books. A recent inclusion are science teaching units.
The coming year has goals for two new novels, a picture book and some books of personal essays. This is ambitious and ignores time constraints.
She lives in the Missouri Ozarks with her small herd of Nubian dairy goats. The Ozarks provides the inspiration and setting for most of her books.