GKP Writing News

Writing Press Releases

Having a book signing/reading is no fun, if no one comes. Since this is a smaller town, I put up flyers. And I practiced writing press releases for the local paper.

What Is in a Press Release?

Having never really written a press release before, I wasn’t sure. I have read a few in the local paper and in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Sunday edition.

They seemed mostly to say what was happening and something about the author. So I tried writing a short piece with those things in it.

How Long?

When I called the local paper, the person on the phone said they would fit something in, trimming what I wrote to fit. That sounded like a short piece which is 300 to 400 words to me.

So I wrote a 400 word piece. It was hard to do as I was talking about me. And I sent it in.

Authors write books. Readers read them, if they know about them. Writing press releases is one way to let readers know about the books an author writes.

What Happened?

The paper wanted only 300 words. So someone cut out 100 words.

I expected that. What I didn’t expect is how they were cut off. The person did not read the piece, just hacked things out so some parts of it didn’t make sense.

What I Learned

Writing press releases is not easy for several reasons. One is writing about myself. I can get past that by pretending to write about someone else.

Another is making sure all of the important information is given right at the beginning. That part is not cut out.

The third thing I learned is to edit the piece myself down to 300 words. That way the printed piece will look more like what I wrote, not what someone else left when they hacked it off. Hacking is not the same thing as editing.

Writing press releases is an important skill for any self published author to have. It is one way to let potential readers know about any book events the author has planned.

GKP Writing News

Social Media

“Hopes, Dreams and Reality” will be available to readers by next week. That leaves me looking at more ways to let people know about my new book. The suggestion so many have is to be on social media.

Irritatingly, people and businesses assume everyone is on these various platforms. The only two I am on are Pinterest and Goodreads. There are no plans to be on any of the others.

Hopes, Dreams and Reality cover
As I launch this new novel, my dream is for people to notice and read it. But people won’t notice it unless I can let them know it exists.

Why Not be on Social Media?

Time is a big reason I am not on these platforms. Since I am not online at home, my internet time is very limited, usually about five hours a week. This does not go very far.

Perhaps I could be online at home, but the service stinks. There is good service up on top of the hill because a teacher lives there and it was put in for virtual teaching. Those lines do not come down to me and won’t any time soon.

That leaves me with slow, unrealiable service be it through the phone company or satellite. It’s much cheaper and better to use the internet at the library, so that is what I do.

Nor can I use a cell phone to access the internet. Well, I suppose I could, if I wanted to go hiking across the creek, down two pastures and up on a hill to find service.


Another big reason for me to not be on social media is privacy. The companies behind these platforms only want to sell me things I have no use for or sell my information to others who want to sell me things I do not want. It’s bad enough using Yahoo.

Yes, I do know privacy is a thing of the past. However, I enjoy the illusion.

Even more chilling for me is the amount of misinformation found on these platforms. I am not interested in sifting through the lies, the political rhetoric, the deceptions, the frauds and more.

When you do seek information, how do you know it’s for real? I’m reminded of a cartoon from some magazine of a dog at a computer saying “Online, no one knows you’re a dog.”

Where does this leave me?

It leaves me a website few people visit. It leaves me a network of people I know through Goodreads and NaNo (National Novel Writing Month).

My first promotion of Hopes, Dreams and Reality” will be free downloads through Smashwords for two weeks. If you are reading this and wish to take advantage of this offer, I would really appreciate it if you would leave a positive review of the book on its Smashwords or Amazon book page.