I should know better than to compile a list of annual writing plans. The list is always too long, too ambitious and begging for trouble.
Over the years I keep making out my plans. And just as surely life gets in the way. At the end of the year I look over my annual writing plans to see if any of them have actually gotten done.
This year I have completed some of my plans. One novel (“Hopes, Dreams and Reality”) and a picture book (“The Little Spider”) did get done. And there was a bonus picture book (“At the Laundromat”).
What about next year?
With a draft nearing completion for Life’s Rules, I must have it on my list. It still needs a lot of research leading to a rewrite.
Then there is “The Carduan Chronicles: Arrival” to complete. This does have drafts to finish merging. Before that the timeline must be rewritten. I find the size of this is daunting (terrifying?).
Picture Books
Each picture book takes a long time. The text takes thought as it is so short. Each image must not only illustrate the text, but expand on it.
Once the drawings and text are done, I can sit down and enjoy doing the watercolor. These often have lots of little mistakes in them as I am not an artist, strictly an amateur trying my best. So each watercolor must then be scanned into the computer and turned into a final image.
There are several ideas I’m working out. One is a little girl wandering off onto the hills while her family searches for her. This sounds scary, but won’t be. It will be more of a nature adventure story.
Opal and Agate: Partners in Adventure is a goat series. I have lots of ideas for these two kids. These will not be humanized goat kids, but goat kids. And, as a long time goat owner, I know how much adventure and trouble goat kids can get into.
I will work on the Dent County Flora. It won’t get done as there are so many plants to find and get pictures of. My goal is to complete another two hundred plants this year.
There are other essay ideas, but these are more writing exercises taking hazy shape in the imagination for now
The Chemistry Project has several units close to done. Unfortunately, the pages needed depend on other people for information and pictures. Coordinating schedules can be daunting.
Annual Writing Plans
As you can see, I’ve far too many goals for the year. How many will I accomplish? I don’t know. But the fun is in trying to get as many as possible done.