GKP Writing News

Writing Dialogue

I like using dialogue in my writing. It seems to move the story along well and reveal lots about the characters. But writing dialogue has challenges.

My new novel, tentatively titled “Hopes, Dreams and Reality”, has a couple of dialogue challenges.

Only One Character

The entire novel revolves around Mindy. For much of the novel she is alone. Her phone is dead and she is in a dead zone for cells. That leaves only her cat and the animals to talk to. And they have no answers.

That leaves me floundering. She can remember things others have said. She can make up conversations with absent characters. If all else fails, she can talk to herself. This last can reveal a lot about her attitudes and inner conflicts.


My biggest challenge is language. Cussing and swearing are commonplace in today’s books and media. I do know quite a few of these words.

However, I grew up at a time when such language was not commonly used in public. And I find its ubiquitous use annoying. It robs these words of their impact and language of its richness by reducing the vocabulary used.

When writing dialogue, I avoid using these words.

cover for "Capri Capers" by Karen GoatKeeper
“Capri Capers” has some dastardly villains in it as well as some would-be villains. The decision to use no cussing was easier for this book as it was a take off on a 1930s movie serial. Such language would have been inappropriate here.

Should I Use Some?

One of the novel scenes is a big argument. Both characters are upset, furious. I’ve written it without using any cussing or swearing. Does this rob the scene of impact? Would it be more realistic to use some of these words?

The decision is mine. I don’t want to use this language, so I have chosen not to. This is my personal choice due to my background.

Finishing the Novel

As I edit the novel draft, now complete, writing dialogue will be part of that edit. It will be a challenge as this novel has been a challenge.

Will my choices work? I rarely have others read my novels as drafts. This one will be an exception. Their opinions will hopefully answer this question.