GKP Writing News

Getting Enough Sleep

Writing advice often includes sitting down daily and writing. When I’m not getting enough sleep, forget that.

I’ve been accused of never sitting still, always being busy doing something. There is truth to this. Sitting still makes me feel guilty as I have a long list of things to accomplish.

The entire day is spent moving from one item on the list to the next with a few minutes between to prepare. In hot weather this includes gulping down liquid.

Does this sound familiar? When I read about other writers, they seem to be on the move all the time too.

Orange Cat looks innocent
Cats are opportunists. Anyone trying to take a nap seems to become a magnet for any passing cat. It’s impossible to sleep being kneaded or walked on by a hefty cat like Orange Cat. If that doesn’t work, some object can be shoved onto the floor.

Usually, I do wrap up before midnight and get some sleep. There are times my schedule falls apart.

Some items on my list destroy getting enough sleep. Mucking out the barn is one. It is hard, physical labor even using the tractor for hauling the manure away.

Even with the usual amount of sleep, the next day drags. Being tired makes putting one foot in front of the other a struggle. The mind is hazy. The head is heavy. Time ceases to exist. Hurrying is a foreign concept.

Sitting down in front of the computer is a waste of time. The page is there in front of me. The words blur and make no sense. The eyes close between every key stroke. The head sinks onto the keyboard resulting in half a page of dots.

The cure is a morning nap. An extra hour or two of sleep is the prescription. Filling the prescription is a challenge.

box turtle crashing leaves to prevent getting enough sleep
Three-toed box turtles march through the Ozark woods crunching the dead, dry leaves. Anyone trying to snooze wakes up expecting a monster on the loose.

Knowing I need to sleep, I settle in. The cats thump by. The phone rings. A tick or two start digging in.

The resolution is to get to bed earlier than usual. Getting enough sleep is essential. I cannot function tired.

Then again, maybe I will go for a walk up the hill. I can settle in against a tree and sleep with only the creatures and wind to disturb me.

My Ozark Home” visits some of my favorite places.